The Vision
Vision Blvd has clear goals: New housing, new public transit, new protected bike paths, and new green space featured along an upgraded one-mile long boulevard.
A true neighborhood that makes all San Franciscans proud.
Community led input
There are many proposed plans for the current 13th and Division Streets,
post-Central Freeway removal. The plans here are possibilities, and any final plan will encompass a variety of ideas from expert planners and community input.

Existing condition with overpass along 13th / Division Streets, looking east.
Potential condition of Vision Boulevard, with new housing and tree canopy, looking east.

Parks & Public Space
Integral to Vision Boulevard is the creation of much needed parks for the surrounding communities of SoMa and The Mission which currently suffer from
a lack of access to public parks within walking distance.

Pedestrian level view of Vision Boulevard with a potential linear park.
With upzoning of land uses along the corridor, many soft sites and parking
lots would be ripe for new housing development. Value capture of private parcels and sale of public parcels could help finance the Vision Boulevard project. Previous infrastructure projects, like the Octavia Blvd and the Transbay redevelopment plans, were financed in similar ways.
The conceptual renderings shown above are collected from the work of UC Berkeley student Qingchun Li
and also from other UC Berkeley students in 2013's class CP 208
More renderings from other contributors will be posted shortly